Its a very simple process, you just need to chose one domain which suits you and make a call to us we will do the rest.
Setting up game is as easy as posting pictures on facebook, you just need to create a game with no of tickets, commission, game date, time, and its done.
Ticket booking is a very simple process where agent can login with their username and password. After logging in agents can select the tickets which they want to sell and then just need to click on sell and its done.
Admin can create agent easily by just logging in admin panel. From there they can create agent with username and password
After game creation it will automtically run on the time whith which game is setted up.
You can make profits by selling the tickets, by keeping some amount of the total sold tickets price.
We are providing very fast AWS Cloud Dedicated server. Renewing process is very simple, just make a call to us we will renew it.